Tutorials by People Who Like to Talk
For people who like to listen
Below are random selections from YouTube teachers and personalities you may like for your learning style. Even if you are not at the point in your learning journey, get to know them so you have a resource from someone who matches your learning style!
Coding with John Tutorials: Pay-course and free Youtube Videos
You will like John's free material because he:
States learning objectives, gives scaffolding, provides background information that supports subject, and inclueds links to background information when more is needed than can be handled in the current video
Provides mildly humorous examples that create salient memories
Puts a picture-in-picture of himself talking, which provides additional communication
Edits out pauses and "um"s to maintain speech flow with some fun auditory transitions
Connects one idea to the next without getting excessively side-tracked or digressing
Clearly explains subject-specific vocabulary, provides colloquialisms, and uses metaphors
Explains procedures as he is doing them, showing in real-time on the screen, looking toward the topic of discussion
Discusses errors, reasons error messages pop-up, and what the messages mean
Smiles, emotes, and makes eye-contact
Provides visuals and animations to complement abstract ideas
Anticipates student questions, asks, and answers them
Encourages interaction by commentingÂ
You might struggle with John because:
His handwriting is difficult to read
Free videos on youtube are not in a logical order (that's what the paid course is for)
Alex Lee
Networking with Chuck
The guy who wrote SQL lite
Net Ninja
Rando Explaino
Learn Java: https://www.bluej.org/
Learn and share Python Scripts: https://replit.com/
Learn to code at any age: https://code.org/learn/
Reference for many coding languages: https://www.w3schools.com/
Program android apps with a snap language: https://appinventor.mit.edu/
Interactive textbook to learn python-forward beginning computer logic: ThinkCsPy
Book by Joel Marsh: Great (and funny!) read on UX with digestible chapters: UX for Beginners: A Crash Course in 100 Short Lessons
Book: Language-agnostic database design: Database Design for Mere Mortals by Michael J. Hernandez
Getting ideas with "Crazy Eights": https://www.switchit.com/blog/design/crazy-concept-ideation-with-crazy-8s.aspx
Stanford's "How Might We" approach: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57c6b79629687fde090a0fdd/t/589cc8b8d2b85721b37d3efe/1486670008488/HMW-Worksheet.pdf
Hashmaps and Java: https://stackabuse.com/hashmap-and-treemap-in-java-differences-and-similarities/
Coding examples, step-by-step: https://www.guru99.com/
Coding Bat (Interactive practice for Java and Python, site is tabbed between Python and Java, there doesn't appear to be "codingbat.com", but you can access either one from this link): https://codingbat.com/java